Data Exploration Hacky Hour

February 8, 2019
4:30-6:00 PM
F&B Cafe Marquam Hill
3460 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd.

Everyone is welcome, no experience required!

Bring a laptop and your own dataset and we’ll set you up to explore your data with burro (, which lets you explore your data with an easy to use app.

Or if there’s a public dataset that looks interesting to explore, send us a link ( and we’ll set up an app to look at it together.


If you already have R/Rstudio Installed

If you have R and RStudio installed on your computer, you can setup by running these commands:


If you don’t have R/RStudio Installed

Don’t fear! You can use RStudio Cloud, which is easy to use and setup. If you have time, please do the following:

  1. Sign up for an account on RStudio Cloud:
  2. Email with the email address you used to sign up for your account

Please note that RStudio Cloud is an online service, so consider this if your data needs to be private or protected. If you don’t have a dataset that you can use, there are some example datasets you can explore.